DENVER,  CO – On Sunday, April 15th, the 2018 Blue Knights Percussion Ensemble hosted their Send-Off Show at Standley Lake High School.
After a full day of rehearsal, the members and staff recognized outstanding members before the percussion ensemble did one last public performance for a standing room only crowd.
Mike Nevin, BKPE Ensemble Director, welcomed everyone and thanked the admin team, parents, volunteers, and staff who have made this 25th Anniversary season possible. He also thanked the Blue Knights members for their dedication to bring DISTORTED to life.
The following Blue Knights were recognized for their outstanding performance this season:
- Blue Knight of the Year:Â Richie Dow
- Dan Burke Memorial Award:Â Caleb Florence
- Best in Battery:Â Jacoby Morciglio
- Most Improved – Battery:Â Zach Van Hook
- Rookie of the Year – Battery:Â Mason Justus
- Best in Front Ensemble:Â Hannah Ramirez
- Most Improved – Front Ensemble: Ethan Staffer
- Rookie of the Year – Front Ensemble:Â Dylan Kroha
∴ Follow the Blue Knights as they travel to  Dayton for the Winter Guard International Championships  on social media: Facebook (BKPE), Twitter (BKPercEnsemble) and Instagram (BlueKnightsPercussionEnsemble).