Volunteer Interest

This Volunteer Interest Form will let us get to know you better, and enter you into our Volunteer Scheduling system

Thanks for registering with us. Now lets see what opportunities are out there. Note: Volunteers who want to stay overnight with the drum corps, at camps or on tour, will also require completion of a mandatory background check.

Where to next?

There are lots of ways you can volunteer and help Ascend and the Blue Knights.

Find the Volunteer shift that's right for you

What is this page?

This page provides means for our prospective volunteers to let us know of their intersts and for current volunteers to report on ad-hoc volunteer hours and to see what past, present, and future volunteer hours are recorded in the system, cancel signups, and to change their volunteer info.

Quick Links: Volunteer Information Form – Self Report HoursView Your Service Record  

Volunteer Interest/Information Form

If you’ve never filled this out before – please do!  Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you would like to help.  Each new volunteer should fill out this short form and updating once a year is great!  NOTE:  Please be consistent on the name and email fields each time you use this or any volunteer sign up. NOTE: This form does not sign you up for any volunteer shift or job.  This is just to tell us your interest in how you might like to volunteer with us.  Please use our Current Needs Page to sign up for a particular shift or email Keith at [email protected] to learn of any needs that are not posted. We will not sell or give away your information.  We prefer your mobile phone to potentially text you any last minute changes for any shift times or changes in location for something you signed up for.  Please use your PERSONAL EMAIL for the email field (avoid school or work email addresses). Pick your best match of skills and availability (we know these are likely approximations). Use the Volunteer Notes field to include any other info you wish mention or clarify.  We welcome volunteers of any age for many jobs but there are some that have requirements to be of a certain age (i.e. drivers must be 25 and minors may need a permission form).  Background Checks are not required in most cases unless you will spend the night at housing site with our members.  Email Keith at [email protected] if you are not sure of the background check status or situation. * indicates a required field.  

Self Report Your Volunteer Hours

IMPORTANT: Reporting Hours is not for most volunteers. This is for volunteers to self report hours that were worked outside of something they signed up for elsewhere. Please verify with us first if you should use it.  You can use the Service Record system to see if you are about to enter a duplicate entry for yourself.  

View Your Volunteer Service Record (Login Required)

This is for any volunteer in our system to see what upcoming events they have signed up for and what they have volunteered for in the past.  It will also let you modify your volunteer parameters and basic contact info. NOTE: This will only work if you are in our system and consistently use the same first and last name and email address each time you sign up.  (If you sign up one time using Greg and another time using Gregory – the system will likely not automatically link those two records.  Please use Proper Case for your name during signups; i.e., “Greg” rather than “greg” or “GREG”). [Note: Only hours since Oct.1, 2016 are accessible in this system.]
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