Drum Major Summit Summons Leaders
The 2015 Blue Knights Drum Majors went to Indianapolis on February 6-7 in Indianapolis for DCI’s Drum Major Summit.
The 2015 Blue Knights Drum Majors went to Indianapolis on February 6-7 in Indianapolis for DCI’s Drum Major Summit.
Ascend Performing Arts/Blue Knights will have a booth in the exhibit hall all three days that will see over 26,000 attendees at the 2015 Texas Music Educators Association conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Ascend Performing Arts/Blue Knights will have a booth in the exhibit hall all three days that will see about 1,600 educators and 2,000 performers and guests at the 2015 Colorado Music Educators Association conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Music and arts programs are being cut and/or diminished throughout the country. Countless studies show that the benefits of these classes are vast and last a lifetime. What other academic subject or activity engages the whole brain and, in the case of marching band, the whole body? Something must be done…
Did you know? A Harris Poll found that 73% of CEOs from “Fortune 1000” companies were involved in music programs in high school. Read this article from Penny Ray about how music programs give our students practice and experience in skills that reach far beyond musical notes and instruments…
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