I am thankful for our volunteers!

At this time of thanks, I would like to say just how thankful I am for the fantastic donation and volunteer support over the last year and again at the Denver November audition camp last weekend!

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What to expect while volunteering for a weekend camp

We have a lot of laughs and share our experiences. This is a great opportunity for parents of a first time auditioner/member – even out-of-state ones that wish to come along and learn more about what their child is venturing into. What follows is an overview of what to expect if you come out to help us.

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Marching Beyond Halftime

Music and arts programs are being cut and/or diminished throughout the country. Countless studies show that the benefits of these classes are vast and last a lifetime. What other academic subject or activity engages the whole brain and, in the case of marching band, the whole body? Something must be done…

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The Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps has ​been performing ​their 2014 production “That One Second” ​for thousands nationwide​. The show and its concept that “life is a gift” is continuing to create waves in the drum corps community as people begin to reflect on their own personal “one second”. The following story was submitted to us by Joseph Preiser, a drum corps ​veteran, who was inspired to tell us about ​his “one second” …

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